The Hour of Lead
Jan 14 – Mar 5, 2023
The Hour of Lead begins with the premise that human nature holds on, records, and commemorates, and that we strive to remember select people, places, and moments that have passed. As the present moment slides into the past, we have an opportunity to choose which memories and objects to preserve, and which to leave behind, creating space for growth, new experience, and emerging community.
The work in this exhibit explores the burden of loss – broadly defined through a wide range of tools and techniques – and opens a space for investigation, discovery, and healing. The artists in this show have various ways of preserving, recreating, and cataloging the absences, losses, and experiences that weigh on them: the longing for post-pandemic normalcy, the absence of intimacy, the recollection of good times, and the persistence of complicated emotions. These longings drive the creative process. Some of these artists express anxiety about reentering the world; others clinically catalog absence and loss. Here we see lifelines to a present that recognizes the cyclical nature of events, reframes priorities, and forges new patterns. Reflection and forward movement are expressed through a variety of media; the viewer can glimpse a body, a place, or an object that simultaneously evokes nostalgia and suggests a different future.
–Kevin Long and Cynthia Zeman