Sable Divacup
MA ’20 Art Education
You’ve just stumbled into the scavenger ghost project!
I designed this project with a simple, three step framework:
- Imagine
- Create
- Grow
The past year I’ve traveled to different locations and would install a clay ghostie. I’d wheatpaste posters in the neighborhood of installation sites. These posters have an existential question, and a QR code linking to the project site. On the site, there is a form. On this form the participant states the question the poster asked, how they respond, and also say how they cope with grief. Thus, the grief archive was born.
Touching clay is healing. Making in clay allows me to literally set my ideas into stone. Storing the project in a website simultaneously opens a window into how a mindset shifts over time.
I personally believe we live in a time of rapid change that feels chaotic and scary. Change is also an inevitable part of growth. I dearly miss the minivan I learned to drive on. It also got 17 miles to the gallon, on a good day.
Humans are a mix of novelty and pattern seeking creatures. More than that, we are also natural makers of objects, ideas, language, and culture.
Change is unavoidable, and it is in acts of creativity that humans can find the sense of control that we crave. Imagine, create, grow.
In the face of radical unknown change, who do you want to grow into being?
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