Eileen Ryan

I create installations using natural, scientific and catholic objects. The work is about the connection between scientific inquiry and spirituality as we are all looking for answers to similar questions of the why and how of the universe. My focus is on miracles that I and others could describe as both scientific and/or mystic. The work I make usually has one “what if” style question in the beginning that I approach like a hypothesis. Through-out the duration of the project’s research I am able to generate a wealth of follow up questions and experiments which help me engage with the world in a more curious way. In the thick of it, I feel almost desperate as I create this work to not numb out and forget that everything is connected, including myself.

Eileen Ryan is an interdisciplinary artist from New Hampshire. She explores her interests in science, spirituality, and nature to create investigative works about connection. Eileen’s installations, paintings and performances have been presented both nationally and internationally by institutions such as MDI Bio Labs in Maine, MIT Bio Summit, The Museum of New Art, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, ULisboa and Ectopia Lab in Portugal. Her publication “CODEX” designed by Art Collart recently won an award for most beautiful works in the margins by Mooi Marginaal.
