Darryl Loyer

MFA ’20 Fine Arts Low-Residency

The act of painting requires focus and imagination, and it always surprises meĀ as to the power it holds to move people emotionally. When painting in a public environment, onlookers are moved to comment and my paintings frequently come with stories as a result.

Aggressive use of color and large brushwork lend a quality of excitement that, many will find it stimulating. Currently I am exploring the possible combination of bothĀ 2D and 3D elements in my paintings. Together they create a visual dynamic thatĀ is unique and places the viewer in a position that makes them play an active role in the painting. As a result, the viewer is more emotionally connected to the piece.

Iā€™m looking forward to working in my new studio, meeting new neighbors and with my new focus on my work, I feel my future work will be my best work of all.

Born in Ohio and attending the University of Cincinnati in Fine Arts and Graphic Arts has prepared Darryl for a lifelong career in the Arts. He later attended UMass Boston and received his Master Degree at Mass College of Art & Design in Boston.

He continues to be an Educator and spends most of his time painting in his new studio in Dover, NH. His current work has unites both 2D and 3D elements together. The subject matter is more reflective of his interestĀ in Art that deals with emotional responses to issues.

