Bing Lin
I have always been fascinated by the intersection of sound and visual, and the potential for each to enhance and influence each other. While pursuing my graduate degree at MassArt, I focused on my MFA thesis, Sonic Scenery: When Sound Meets Visual, which has continued to shape my ongoing journey in this interdisciplinary realm.
Please enjoy my latest music visualization collaborations at Montclair State University (MSU) with Robert Levin, director and professor of the West African Drumming and Dancing Ensemble at MSU.
The music featured in this video is an excerpt from the original soundtrack composed by Robert Levin for the End Credits of Arthur Penn’s film, βInside.β The visuals are inspired by the energy and liveliness of traditional West African Drumming rhythm. The black-and-white painting splashes represent the pitches of the drums. The high-pitched Gankogui iron bell is positioned at the top of the canvas, while the low-pitched bell is at the bottom. The rotating smaller paint drips represent the Axatse, the rattles of the Ewe people of Ghana, Togo and Benin.
I had the privilege to be part of the ensemble and travel to Ghana with Robert during the summer of 2022. This experience gave me the opportunity to appreciate and embrace the richness and spirituality of the Ewe culture. My goal is to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the captivating traditional music of West African Drumming.