Grace Dam

MFA ’21 Fine Arts Low-Residency

Our body is a landscape, and there is a landscape that lives in our mind. In a contemporary setting riddled with complexities of socialisation and challenges in relationships, modern technologies further complicate these tricky and precarious associations. This series of figurative works celebrate the body and explores the nonverbal language that our movements, gestures, and eyes contact often show. The message can be deep and powerful, louder than vocal words. It is taletelling and more complex with the addition of modern technology, the cellular devices. We seek companionships, approvals, connections in every turn yet human nature sometimes spoils and unravels all just as fast. My artworks explore these interactions, relationships, the connection and disconnection in life, the moments of togetherness and the distance that is often present unseen.

Grace Dam is a Toronto based artist. Her practice involves oil and acrylic but also other media. Art has been her lifelong passion, one which provides a voice and defines her life journey. Grace’s works include landscape, still life, abstract and photography. Most recently as presented in this series, Grace’s focus is on humanity, relationships and everyday life challenges.
