Kelly Sheehan Russo

MFA ’10 Art Education

Organizing chaos through shape, movement, color and intuitive mark making has been a vehicle for translating both joys and trials of life as a mother and artist trying to navigate an intimate family life while living in a complicated world. Balancing composition and color with freedom, walking the tightrope of control and play, capturing layers of thought and emotion. Working in layers, the idea of revealing and concealing what is important, what we put on the surface and what we hide. Trying to hold things together, or letting them be, a metaphor for often having to compartmentalize aspects of life. Stepping back and looking at things from a different perspective, getting a feel for the big picture. There are a variety of bold and subtle shapes and colors that take on personalities and emotions that appear in the work and have conversations with each other. Sometimes they listen, sometimes there is a struggle.

Kelly is an artist living and working on the South Shore of Boston. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Art and a Master’s Degree in Art Education from Massachusetts College of Art & Design. 

She is a Gallery Artist at The South Shore Art Center in Cohassett, a Juried Artist Member at The Copley Society of Art in Boston, an Artist Member of the Cambridge Art Association and a Signature Member of the National Association of Women Artists.
