Sandrea Lovelock-Williams

MFA ’24 Fine Arts Low-Residency

I live between cultures. I was born in Jamaica; but I have lived most of my life in the US. My artistic training and knowledge have been steeped in the western euro-centric cannon; however, my first visual memories and introduction to the arts is steeped in the aesthetics of the Caribbean. My work has been largely autobiographical, as I search for my identity using the language of paint. My paintings encompass the lived in spaces, objects and people that are important in my life as the materials expand to fit the stories and chapters of my life that need telling.  As a wife and mother, I use my family as my models and muses using scale to convey the importance of the subjects. 

My practice has been sustained by formal elements such as light, form and color. However, I wanted to shift the inspiration to include more of my cultural stories and practices. Lately I have been mixing the formal aspects of painting with the personal cultural storytelling and mythmaking from my country of birth to find a more authentic visual language in which to tell my story.

Sandrea Lovelock Williams was born in Jamaica and migrated to Boston in 1987. After spending years in the financial field, she received her BFA in Art Education and Painting from Massachusetts College of Art in Boston in 2017 and is currently pursuing a MFA at the aforementioned institution.  She is a figurative painter whose work abides in the liminal space between storytelling and freezes the moments in time between life and death, using cultural, personal, and newly developed iconography.  Sandrea often uses large canvases which gives the figures historical importance and forces the viewer to pay attention.  She has been included in various exhibitions including Fay Chandler Emerging Artist Exhibition at the Boston City Hall Gallery in Boston and the Cambridge Art Association National Art Show in Cambridge Massachusetts and a solo show at the Wotiz Gallery at the Milton Public Library. Lovelock-Williams currently lives and works in Milton, Massachusetts.